The first letters of one’s name reveal much more information than one might actually know. Your name has the power to affect your personality. In fact, your name holds answers to many questions and it says a lot about your personality traits as well. Check out what the first letter of your name reveals about your personality! A: ‘You’re all action…You don’t stop ’til you get what you want…you’re more passionate and adventurous than you appear, and you have LOTS of energy.’ B: ‘You’re a lover of all things beautiful, but especially beautiful gifts…you equate gift-giving with affection and appreciation. You also have a sentimental side, which makes it hard for you to throw away your kids’ artwork.’C: ‘You’re creative and curious, with a love of learning, You also have a rare gift for self-control, which makes it easier for you to make sacrifices when you have to…like giving up goodies to lose weight.’……
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