Certain stories are just too amazing to keep to ourselves, especially when those have unexpected, heartwarming twists.
We’ve collected 12 tales where people did or said something so surprising it left us thinking, “How is this not a movie scene?”
Story 1:
My boyfriend is Spanish, and I secretly began learning the language to surprise him. Today, he got a call from his mom and started chatting in Spanish, assuming I couldn’t understand him. But his words left me stunned.
He said, “Here’s the plan. I’ll pretend that I’m taking you both to a fancy restaurant to make it look casual. That’s when I’ll propose to her.” I’m thrilled, but I’m keeping it a secret, so I don’t spoil his surprise!
Story 2:
When my mother died, a knock came on the door. One of her client’s sons gave me an envelope of money. I was confused. He explained that when his mother had died, they were low on money. My mom helped pay for their airfare to get her kids home.
She never told us about it. She wasn’t a rich woman. That’s when I knew the world had lost someone great. © Wackydetective / Reddit
Story 3:
Back in seventh grade, I would follow a lot of people from school on Instagram, and often I would see that some classmates and friends were sad or just going through a rough time. So I would write them a letter with some encouraging words and put in like $10 from the money I had saved up through the years and tell them to buy something nice with it.
I would watch them during school to see where their lockers were and sneak out during class to go to the “restroom” and put the letters in their lockers. © idkxxyz / Reddit