Rose, once living a life of luxury in her family mansion, now found herself homeless, thanks to the greed of her three sons. The mansion, a dream house built by her late husband for their family, became a symbol of love, loss, and greed after his death. Rose, a 63-year-old widow, had been kicked out by her sons because she refused to sell the house. They sold it for a profit, leaving her with nothing.
While her sons bought new homes for themselves, they ignored their mother’s well-being, thinking she would manage. Meanwhile, Rose found herself on the streets, with only her late husband’s car for comfort. She often wished to join him in death, exhausted from a lifetime of struggle since his passing.
Despite her hardships, Rose remained kind and made some friends on the street. She often thought of her daughter, Debbie, who had left home at 18 to support the family and later became a respected medical researcher. Rose hoped Debbie was doing well but worried about her.
A month later, Rose was stunned to be reunited with Debbie, who had learned of her mother’s situation through a neighbor. Debbie, devastated by what her brothers had done, took Rose into her care. She revealed her plans to confront her brothers and take action against their betrayal.
Debbie then drove Rose to the old mansion, determined to make things right for her mother.