Jim meets Emily three years after losing his wife, Karen, and begins to find hope for happiness again. However, blending a family proves more challenging than he anticipated as he balances his relationship with Emily and his daughter, Amy.
After dating Emily for a few months, Jim introduces her to Amy, and the two get along well. Two years later, Emily accepts Jim’s proposal, and even Karen’s parents are supportive of the relationship. However, tensions rise during wedding preparations when Emily suggests Amy’s nephew take on the role of flower girl instead of Amy. Jim insists Amy will be the flower girl, but Emily becomes annoyed.
On the eve of the wedding, Jim overhears Emily’s bridesmaids plotting to lock Amy in a room, as Emily finds her resemblance to Karen unsettling. Furious, Jim confronts Emily at the wedding, demanding to know why she would harm his daughter. He cancels the wedding, realizing he cannot marry someone who would do such a thing.
The next day, Jim reassures Amy that not marrying Emily was the right decision, as she agrees that being locked away during the ceremony would have been wrong. Jim ultimately knows he made the best choice for both of them.