Before Lilibet, Meghan suffered a miscarriage in 2020, which deeply affected her. She shared in a personal article how she felt after losing the baby and the grief that followed. A source shared that Meghan still feels sadness around the anniversary of the loss, but finds joy in her children and family.
Recently, Meghan has balanced her work, including her lifestyle brand, with her family life. A source revealed that, while work is important, she makes sure to prioritize her children’s needs and cherishes their time together as they grow up quickly.
Harry and Meghan’s family has raised questions about having a third child. Harry expressed in 2019 that he felt two children was enough, citing concerns for the environment and wanting to leave a better world for future generations. In a 2021 interview, Meghan echoed the sentiment, saying she was grateful for having a boy and a girl and that they were “done” with two children.
Despite speculation, it seems unlikely that the couple will have a third child, as they appear content with their family of four.