Jennifer Garner is mourning the loss of her beloved dog, Birdie, who passed away just before Thanksgiving, marking another heartbreaking loss for the actress after the death of her father earlier this year. In an emotional Instagram post, Garner described Birdie as “the world’s best dog” and shared how her sudden illness allowed the family to spend meaningful final moments together. Birdie, a golden retriever, was not only a cherished family pet but also a therapy dog who brought comfort to many. She often appeared in Jennifer’s popular “Pretend Cooking Show” on Instagram, where she was featured wearing reading glasses and enjoying special moments with the actress.
Garner expressed gratitude for the timing of Birdie’s passing, noting that the dog seemed to wait for one of her children to return home from college, allowing the family to say goodbye together. Jennifer shared tender memories, including a video of her reading to Birdie while they both wore glasses and another where she lovingly sang to the dog, using Birdie’s paws to accompany her. Jennifer’s tribute to Birdie resonated deeply with her followers, receiving messages of support from celebrities such as Tracee Ellis Ross, Jennifer Aniston, and Ina Garten, who all expressed their condolences.
Amid her grief, Jennifer sought comfort in her family. On Thanksgiving Day, she volunteered with her ex-husband Ben Affleck and their children at the Midnight Mission in Los Angeles, serving 2,000 homeless individuals at the charity’s annual Thanksgiving brunch. The family spent several hours working together, providing warmth and compassion to those in need.
This loss comes after a difficult year for Garner, as she also faced the death of her father, William “Billy Jack” Garner, in April. Jennifer shared a heartfelt tribute on Instagram, reflecting on her father’s life and the deep bond they shared. Despite the challenges, Jennifer emphasized her gratitude for her father’s long, fulfilling life and the love he gave to his family.
Jennifer’s strength throughout this emotional year is evident in how she has honored both her dog and her father, while also finding solace in her family and community. Her tributes to Birdie and her father reflect her resilience, love, and gratitude, even amid overwhelming sorrow.