Mosquitoes cause small bumps or larger welts that are always itchy. These bites can be irritating, and it’s important to avoid scratching, as it can worsen the discomfort. They are usually found on exposed skin and are the result of a mosquito feeding.
Fleas leave multiple small, red, itchy bites in a concentrated area, often around the ankles or legs.
These bites can be a sign of an infestation, particularly from pets. It’s important to resist scratching to prevent infection. Lice bites are similar but are found on the scalp, neck, or behind the ears, causing intense itching.
Bedbugs cause red, itchy bites arranged in a zig-zag pattern, typically appearing after sleeping in an infested area. If you suspect bedbugs, it’s best to call an exterminator to handle the problem. Ticks cause a red ring around a dark center.
They should be removed carefully with tweezers, and a doctor should be consulted, as ticks can carry diseases.
Wasps produce painful stings with swelling and a mark in the center.
Hornets deliver larger and more painful stings, which may cause allergic reactions in some people.
Bees leave their stinger embedded in the skin, which should be removed with tweezers.
Fire ants cause intense pain and may result in pustules, especially with multiple bites.
Spider bites often leave red, firm, itchy, or painful marks, sometimes with two puncture holes. Recognizing these bites ensures timely treatment and can help prevent serious complications.