Luna Tavares-Fenner, a two-year-old from Florida, became famous for her “Batman birthmark” — a large black spot on her face caused by a rare skin disorder. Born in 2019, Luna’s mother, Carol Fenner, was shocked to see the mark, as no abnormalities were detected in the ultrasound before birth.
Carol sought help from doctors in Boston, Chicago, and New York but faced significant challenges. Desiring to have the birthmark removed before Luna started school, Carol turned to social media to raise awareness and share their journey.
As her story spread, a Russian doctor, Dr. Pavel Borisovich Popov, offered a unique treatment called photodynamic therapy, which wasn’t available in the U.S. The family raised $70,000 for the procedure, which began with successful treatments in Russia.
After several successful surgeries, Luna’s birthmark has significantly diminished, and doctors are optimistic about reducing her cancer risk. Luna now happily says, “My black spot has disappeared. I am a princess.” The family plans to continue her treatment and aesthetic surgeries to ensure she grows up confident. Despite her challenges, Luna remains a joyful, smiling little girl, and her progress brings relief to her family.