In a heartbreaking incident, the bodies of three young sisters and their mother were found in their Wolcottville home. Police are investigating, while the girls’ father, Jonathan Newell, spoke about the devastating event. On September 17, officers were called to a welfare check at a South Main Street residence. Upon arriving around 11:20 a.m., they discovered the bodies of 32-year-old Rebecca Hughes and her daughters, Evalynn, 8, Allison, 6, and Amelia, 5. Autopsies are pending, with results still to be determined.
Authorities have said there is no immediate threat to the public, but details of the deaths remain unclear. Jonathan shared his grief, revealing he had feared Rebecca might have run away with the children. He had requested more time with his daughters, attending court dates while managing a demanding work schedule.
After his mother called him on the day of the discovery, Jonathan initially reassured her, unaware of the tragedy unfolding. He only learned the truth when two officers arrived at his door. Grief-stricken, Jonathan spoke candidly about his feelings, grappling with guilt and the “what-ifs” of different choices he might have made.
The loss has shaken the Wolcottville community, who have since created a memorial outside the family’s home. Residents, including Pam Laughlin and Greg Williams, expressed their heartbreak over the sudden deaths. Jonathan received overwhelming support when he set up a GoFundMe page to cover funeral costs, with donations surpassing $45,000 in a day.
In the wake of the tragedy, Rebecca’s friend, Ashley McAtee, reminded the community to respect Rebecca’s memory, highlighting her struggles and love for her children. Jonathan has since pledged to raise awareness about mental health, urging others to seek help if needed.