3. Leo (23rd July – 22nd August)
Lucky days: Tuesday, Friday, Sunday
Lucky numbers: 5, 14, 13, 32, 41, 50
Lucky colors: Gold, orange, yellow, cream, red
Lucky stone: Ruby
Represented by the lion that is the ruler of the jungle, Leos are natural leaders which are only complimented by their enthusiasm and energy. so, it’s no wonder that they are destined to be rich!
If you are a Leo, you are extremely courageous and are successful in any project you undertake. Leos’ charisma ensures that the spotlight is always on them. Leos are optimists who try to get the best out of life. They are extremely self-aware and they know how to make optimum use of their abilities.
Leo people always carry themselves with great dignity and cannot be persuaded to go against what they believe in. These attributes help them become prominent in any field they choose and also in keeping their bank accounts full.

4. Taurus (20th April – 20th May)
Lucky days: Monday, Friday, Saturday
Lucky numbers: 2, 11, 29, 37, 56
Lucky colors: White, green
Lucky stone: Emerald
Taurus belongs to the earth, which makes them practical, modest people who are able to keep all their relationships stable. They are characterized by their great loyalty and consistency.
A person of Taurus never goes with his gut, preferring to analyze each issue in great depth. As smart individuals, they prioritize and are very efficient so they make good managers. They never fail to follow through on their promises and this makes them very highly eligible business partners. They are trustworthy and so people are very willing to invest in their businesses.
But a person belonging to Taurus also likes to live humbly and they never waste money, preferring to save rather than spend. They’d rather invest in profitable businesses than throw away money on luxuries.